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How Copy and Design Work Together For Businesses

Every brand is different, and its messaging is different, with each brand communicating with its consumers differently. The way that businesses communicate with their customers is called their brand voice, and it’s crucial when you consider how your customer will perceive your business.

Take a moment to think about how your favorite brand interacts with you and sends you updates on what’s happening. Brand messaging is an integral part of your company and is one in which you should put considerable time, thought, and money.

Two elements that make up your brand voice and are the most essential elements are your graphic designers and copywriters. These two people are what will dictate how your brand message comes across and the quality of it.

An Intro To Brand Copy

Brand copy will convey the tone and personality of your brand to your audience. Think of it as similar to your brand logo, conveying the same idea and image to your audience. There are different types of copy needed for various tasks in your company (think advertising copy or direct response copy).

However, the other areas of copy will follow in the footsteps of your brand copy; they aren’t exactly your brand copy. If you visit the website of popular brands, you’ll see brand copy examples that personify the brand. Brand copy can best be created when creatives:

• Understand the brand’s values and mission
• Use the voice and messages that convey the brand’s values and mission
• Deliver the brand’s message in a relevant and compelling way to the audience

What is Copywriting for Business?

Copywriting is the art of crafting persuasive marketing content that encourages audiences to answer a business’ call to action.

Why Copy and Design Matter In Your Brand Voice

Brand copy is one of the most significant parts of sending messages to your customers and letting them know what you want to say. You’ll often see excellent copy accompanied by equally good design. Copy without good design is basically useless, and the same goes vice versa.

Good copy compliments good design, and when it comes to the branding world, they go hand in hand. This is how graphic designers and copywriters work together to communicate with your audience using your brand voice. When you head to a website, you’ll notice that it’s made up of two key elements; both graphic design and copy. These two elements make up branding for every company and convey what your company values, what it does, and its branding. They also explain one another with branding, and you’ll rarely find one without the other.

Graphic design is about setting the tone using color, fonts, images, and layouts; It sets the scene for the content that audiences will read. When setting up the design, graphic designers should keep in mind that the copy should be easy to read, and the design shouldn’t overpower, or distract from, the copy.

Copywriters also need to understand that depending on the design, the headline you were so proud of won’t work as well when the copy is brought together with the graphic design.

Collaboration is key. Designers need to be concerned with drawing attention to the copy. Copywriters need to consider the design when writing copy.

How To Get Your Graphic Designers and Copywriters On The Same Page

Now there’s the issue of ensuring that your team’s all on the same page with what they need to accomplish for your brand. After all, they’re two different teams doing two different jobs trying to come together to create one brand with the same personality.

Communication Is Key

The first step to getting your entire team on the same page is to get them to communicate with one another. Although with more people working remotely may not be possible for your copywriters and graphic designers to gather in the same room daily, they can use online resources to communicate with one another. Use resources like Slack and Zoom to keep your team communicating with one another.

Have Your Team Know What The Design and Copy Are For

It’s best if graphic designers are designing with the copy in mind and vice versa. Even if they aren’t able to look at the other’s work before creating their own, it’s essential that they at least know what it’s for and are on the same page with what the other plans to do. Your graphic designers should be centering their designs around the copy provided, or the copywriters should be centering their work around the format provided.

Make Sure They Have The Skills Needed

You want only the most talented, creative, and skilled creatives on your team. Choose creatives with the skill sets required for the job and capable of working with others since they’ll be closely working with each other. Also, keep in mind that you want creatives who have experience taking on the projects that you’re requesting. Even if it takes longer, you want to wait for the best options.

Graphic Designers Skills

Digital Typography: Designers should be familiar with licensing, fonts, resources, responsive type, accessibility, etc.

Software Expertise: Graphic designers should be experienced with Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and other software.

Problem Solving: Graphic designers should be able to approach a problem, evaluate options, and develop the best way to resolve the problem or overcome the issue.

Creativity: Designers absolutely must be creative and be able to think outside of the box. They also need to be able to visualize concepts and translate them into sound design.

Copywriter Skills

Excellent Writing Skills: Copywriters must be able to communicate effectively. They should also be able to properly structure a sentence, use vocabulary appropriately, and present grammatically correct copy.

Curiosity: Copywriters like to ask questions and find answers. They often fall into the rabbit hole because they get so invested in their subject.

Research Skills: You must know how to research topics; this starts with knowing where to find information. You need to know how to Google a subject, but you must also know how to get the most advantageous results and choose credible sources.

SEO Skills: No, you don’t want to only focus on keywords and SEO, but you should realize that it’s part of the job. Why would you want to waste time writing copy that no one will ever find?

Graphic Designer’s Tips for Designing Based on Copy

Don’t think of the limitations if you’ve been tasked with designing the graphics when the copy has already been written. Think of it as an opportunity. Copy can help you craft the perfect design. Read through the copy and take it in. Understand the content and use the tone and style to help you create the design. Before you start, check with the brand guidelines to ensure consistency.

Copywriters’ Tips for Writing Based on Graphic Design

As a copywriter, you may like to start from scratch when writing copy. But if you’re given the design and tasked with filling in the copy, you’ll have to use another approach. Using the feel of the design – formal or casual – to understand the tone of the copy. Look through brand guidelines to understand the voice the brand wishes to use in copy. Then craft the copy using the brand’s voice in the right tone for the audience they want to attract.

Summing It Up

Both copy and design play a crucial part in your brand and sharing your message with your audience. Copywriters and graphic designers work together to create high-quality content for the brand. Above, you can learn about brand copy, why brand copy and design are essential for your brand and how they can get along together. Learn how to make sure your whole team, both graphic designers and graphic designers, are on the same page.