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Best Website Designs of 2020

Interested to learn what some of the greatest designs of the year were? What about the greatest trends of the year? We’ve got them all in this article! We talk about websites with the best design (SPOILER: there’s an airline!) and the greatest trends of the year!

The internet is an amazing place and when it comes to website designs the possibilities seem endless. When it comes to pushing their limits, website designers and developers have outdone themselves. Within the last decade, we’ve seen more amazing website designs than ever before. 

Whether you’re here to get some inspiration for your own website or just curious, these websites will blow your mind. Whether from their accessibility, their aesthetic, value, or sound design that these sites offer, we consider them to be some of the greatest of all time.


We bet that you haven’t seen a website this cool yet! It uses animation and video to create a one of a kind experience for the user. The site is engaging and draws users in through a way that we’ve yet to see with other websites. The site is an interesting concept and visually appealing. 

Woven Magazine 

Woven is an online publication that says websites don’t have to be incredibly fancy. It shows the power of having simple words that everyone can understand and a beautiful website that’s visually appealing. They celebrate artists and makers on their platform and are an excellent example of a website that displays their site to it’s fullest. 

World Of Swiss 

Yes, we’re talking about the airline! Swiss airlines went all out when it comes to their website. Their site is incredibly immersive, giving users the experience of what it’s like to fly with them and they did an exceptional job with it. They used realistic, strong visuals that help them stand out and show a fresh perspective. The creativeness put into this website is one of a kind! 

Web Design Trends 

As well as including websites that shocked us with their amazing designs, we thought we would include a few of the best design trends that we’ve seen. These are trends that, although not all recent, have recently been amazing the web. These have made the web more stylish, effective, and amazing than ever before. 

Dark Mode 

This year especially we’ve seen apps, websites and more give users the option to switch their experience too dark mode. The option makes platforms look ultra-modern and make design elements pop while being easy on the user’s eyes. We’ve seen platforms like Slack giving their users an option to customize their experience with dark mode, as well as Apple products. 

Mixing Graphics and Photography Together 

Another stylish and bit astonishing trend that we’ve seen recently step up is designers mixing photography and graphics. Designers have taken to overlapping graphics over photography, which creates a unique visual for the user. It creates a unique experience in many ways and we’ve seen designers using it in multiple ways. The best use of this trend is when both the graphic and photography match the brand’s style to create a piece that blends in with their brand. 

Including Imperfections 

This trend is one that brightens and adds personality to any website or graphic. Designers have opted to include little imperfections in their design to give it personality and help it stand out from the millions of other sites on the web. These imperfections are usually hand-drawn. It’s something that basically all humans crave after years of seeing seemingly perfect websites; personal aspects. 

We need positive and bright pieces more than ever and these are exactly that. It’s refreshing to see something used so vastly different than what we’ve seen our entire lives on websites. In our opinion, this isn’t merely a trend for right now. It’s something that will slowly be integrated permanently into the design world. These imperfections will soon be included everywhere we look. 


Overall, websites play a crucial aspect in your business. They’re what visitors first see, how they view your business, and what they’ll think of it. When you’re thinking about what you want for your website, you need to be looking at examples of only the very best websites the internet has to offer. Above are examples of some of the most creative, stylish websites that we’ve seen. 

It’s also important that you get an idea of the trends that our world is currently using. Above are some of the top ones of the year and wow, have we seen some of the greatest! These trends have been monopolizing the internet and websites have been using them to add to their normal websites. By using these trends on your website you’ll show off your website to its fullest!