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The Hatchies


After thousands of votes both on site and over social media we are excited to announce the winner of the 2020 Hatchies:

Mark Atkinson (Quimcey) received a total of over 700 votes (on site and over social media) for the design that he created for the Rivers & Rails Logo Contest. He wins bragging rights and $500 – nice job! 

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the Hatchies, the gallery of entries is truly breathtaking and represents some of the best talent in the Hatchwise community. Looking over the nominations as they came in has been one of the highlights of our year so far. Keep an eye out for next years Hatchies – they’ll be here before you know it!


$500 PRIZE
Minus fees charged by Hatchwise

Hatchwise entry #1391354 by creative designer AHMAD BAIHAQI


In their words:

"This logo is one of my favorites. In the Briefs the Client requests that the logo must be elegant and art deco. The logo must also be strong, powerful, intimidating, but classy. It\'s not easy because this logo is used by companies in the field of media content. The logo idea originated from the initials Dramshop namely the letters D and S. I chose a font that has a curve that is in rhythm, balance, so that it can be placed vertically to form an hourglass. Hourglass Ideas to describe Strong, Trust and Timeliness (in this case, it\'s a matter of deadline). The logo is displayed in Black and White for an elegant classic impression. I really like this idea and I\'m lucky the clients like it too. I made Dramshop text in capital letters that are not bold by adjusting the distance to get the impression of Elegant but Strong and Sophisticated. And the text \"Studios\" I chose a type of font but with a smaller size adjusts to the client\'s small studio. And it\'s fun my idea is captured by clients well and brings my chosen logo as the winner. I am happy to be able to realize the expectations of the Client."

This is one of dozens of custom designs that our talented creative community made for this client.
Check out all the other custom design entries this contest received