The pandemic this year has drastically changed millions of lives around the world. From family life, personal life, and work-life, all humans have seen their lives change from what it was last year. As countries begin to lift lockdown restrictions and some regular life returns to our daily events, we have time to reflect on the results of the pandemic.
Although nearly every job in the industry, and every employee, experienced a drastic change, some saw the more harsh results of the virus. One of these was graphic designers. Despite people may thinking that freelancers had it the easiest, many graphic designers were affected greatly by COVID-19.
What were these changes? How were graphic designers affected? Let’s see.
Adjusting To Working Remotely
It’s true; many freelancers were already working from home. Although many graphic designers were previously working from home, there were some that are employed in an office, and, for them, the pandemic has drastically changed their way of work. I’m sure all our readers are familiar with the distractions and difficulties that can come from working remotely.
If you aren’t used to it, finding a quiet space where you can work uninterrupted is next to impossible at times. Finding the discipline to work from home, not getting to see co-workers, and staying in touch with bosses isn’t always the easiest while working from home.
We believe that since so many employees have had to adjust to working remotely, this may become the new normal going forward. Many companies have had employees coming to work in the office when it may not have been necessary. Many graphic designers may have to get used to working with children, spouses, or roommates around them in their day to day work life.
Mental Health Focus
With government restrictions being put in place for self-isolation and social distancing rules, people have been being forced to stay at home. It’s important to remember that, for graphic designers, creativity is run through a team. An important part of being a designer is having co-workers, friends, or family members to bounce ideas off of and talk to.
With the restrictions to stay home being put in place, graphic designers are having a lack of inspiration and creativity to spark fresh ideas. This has forced not only graphic designers but other creatives to focus on their mental health and ensure that their mental health is doing well even in these unpredicted times.
As a result that the pandemic is having on people’s mental health, graphic designers have joined together to create infographics, posters, and designs on mental health to help others. These are quickly being spread across the internet as a form of a community helping one another in these times.
Post Pandemic
Although it may seem difficult now, we do know that there is a future and that lockdowns will ease even more than they are now. The world will continue to resume to a new normal and the graphic design career is no different. Whether this new normal will be more remote workers or less, we can’t be entirely sure.
Graphic designers, just like the rest of the world, are adjusting to their new normal whatever that may be. Many companies are quickly realizing that working from home may be the best option. This might not be the worst outcome for graphic designers; after all, being able to work while still in your PJs isn’t that bad.
Design agencies may shift to having teams work remotely. This will involve using resources like Slack, Dropbox, and other platforms to help keep communication flowing. Although this may not be what we envisioned at the beginning of the year, it’s what we’ll have to adjust to now.