A ride-hailing company that allows customers to request a ride from a driver on an app on a smartphone? Although we may be used to this concept now, when Garrett Camp and Travis Kalanick first emerged with the concept, people’s minds were blown.
Since its launch in 2008, Uber has grown dramatically and quickly popularized worldwide, now known for its on-demand taxi service conveniently used through a smartphone and for many other uses.
Although there are many contributions to the company’s success, there is no denying that its iconic emblem has been one of the leading reasons for its success. After all, the black, simplistic logo stands out as the face of the company and is what is most often associated with the brand.
However, just as the Uber we know today differs from the one that first emerged in 2008, the Uber logo we recognize today is far different from the one that initially accompanied the company.
The Uber logo has undergone many changes to get to the logo we see and recognize in the company today. Hop in, and let’s back up because we’re driving through the Uber logo’s history.
2010––2011: The First Logo

The first Uber logo was created in 2010. At this time, Uber was known as Uber Cab, and the logo showed a simple monogram logo that used the company name below the company’s initials.
The letters U and C were shown in a red sans serif font above the company name in all lowercase, which were in black. The logo was white, with the letter colors boldly standing out.
This logo was simplistic and yet still unique, showcasing the brand in a way that made it recognizable and stylish.
2011––2012: The C is Removed

The first logo didn’t last long with the company, primarily because of a lawsuit that was happening at the time. Uber originates from a Germanic expression, meaning something is above or superior.
By making the company name “UberCab,” the company implied that they were an exceptional taxi service and above others. This caused a legal dispute since they were not a licensed taxi company, and ultimately, the name caused many attacks from other taxi associations.
So the company decided to change their company and, of course, their logo to reflect the change. Uber did the bare minimum by changing the logo removing the letter ‘C’ and the word ‘Cab’ from the name.
They kept the color scheme the same, only changing the location of the letter ‘U.’ Now the company name was perched above the letter ‘U.’
2012––2016: A Black Logo

Again, the logo did not stay with the company for long. After only a year, the company changed its emblem again, this time doing a major redesign that included a drastic color change. The company chose to opt for a logo that combined black, gray, and silver.
This time they featured a grey ‘U’ that turned inwards. The letter was set inside a black square with a silver outline inside a black one. Beneath the square is the company name featured in a thin black font. The actual letters in the company name also changed, showing the ‘U’ and ‘R’ with extended ends.
This mimicked a path, which one could identify as starting with ordering an Uber and ending with being dropped off at the designated location. At first, only the logo was changed, and it took a while for the website to change.
2016––2018: A New Logo

After using the previous logo for four years, the company decided it was time to redesign it.
The letter ‘U’ was completely removed from the logo this time, leaving just a symbol and the accompanying company name.
Above the company name was a square with rounded corners and a light blue abstract pattern. A white circle represented the customer’s location. This logo was modern while unique and standing out.
2018––Present: The Logo Today

In 2018 the logo redesigned their logo to the signature one that we recognize today. The main reason for this switch was that the previous logo hadn’t been profitable for the business.
Instead, the company launched a GIF logo, signifying the industry’s progress. This black-and-white logo has made history and is easily recognizable to customers around the globe.
The logo is simple: white letters that show the company name with the first letter in uppercase and the remaining in lowercase. The wordmark is displayed on a black background in a simplistic style.
The Uber Eats Logo

In 2014, Uber launched Uber Eats. Uber Eats is an online food ordering platform that, similar to Uber, can be used directly from an app on a smartphone and have food delivered directly to customers’ homes.
Food is delivered through various methods, from cars to scooters, bikes, and even on foot. Uber Eats is operational in over 6,000 cities in 45 countries and has only continued to grow. The Uber Eats logo, although different, is easily identified as being related to Uber.
They use the same branding elements that allow them to be tied to each other easily. The Uber Eats logo uses the same black wordmark, however, the second part of the name is in a lime green color that helps identify it is different from Uber.
The History of Uber

Outside of the iconic logo, what is the company’s history, and how did it come to be? Well, it all started on a snowy night in Paris, France, in 2008 when two men found themselves stranded and unable to find a cab. These men were Garrett Camp and Travis Kalanick, the masterminds behind Uber. The two men were frustrated at the lack of easy access to transportation.
They thought about how convenient it would be to request a ride directly from their smartphone. Their idea was not only to make transportation more accessible but easier and cheaper as well.
Not only had the men struggled to find a ride that night, but they had also spent $800 to hire a private driver on New Year’s Eve, which they thought was excessively costly.

In March 2009, Camp and Kalanick founded Uber, then under the name UberCab. The following year UberCab’s first employee was hired: Ryan Graves. Graves had responded to a tweet the founders sent out, and he soon found himself a general manager at UberCab.
As pay, Graves was given 5-10% of the company. Later he was named CEO of the company. There was a beta launch of the company’s app in May of 2010, and a few months later, the company officially started.
The first ride took place in July 2010 and was a massive success. With its enormous popularity, the company quickly launched its global app in December of 2011 and debuted in Paris.

At first, Uber only allowed customers to request a black luxury car, and this was 1.5 times the cost of a taxi. In 2011, UberCab changed its name to Uber. At this point, the company still only had black luxury cars, mainly because Kalanick believed regular vehicles would not be attractive.
However, after hiring more employees and getting advice on the company, Uber decided to branch out. In April 2012, they launched a service in Chicago where users could request a regular taxi via the mobile app on their smartphone.
Since then, Uber has achieved massive success and continued to expand with apps such as Uber Eats launching. As the company continues to grow, we expect more amazing things.

The evolution of Uber’s logo is a testament to the company’s growth and adaptability, mirroring its transformation from a disruptive start-up to a global powerhouse.
From the red monogram of its “UberCab” days to the sleek black-and-white design we know today, each iteration reflects Uber’s journey toward simplicity, modernity, and universal recognition.
More than just a design, the logo has become a symbol of trust, innovation, and efficiency—qualities that define the Uber experience.
Uber’s branding, like its services, has consistently adapted to meet the needs of a changing world. The minimalist design of today’s logo and the cohesive branding of Uber Eats capture the company’s essence: seamless technology and convenience at your fingertips.
From luxury black cars to everyday rides and food delivery, Uber’s emblem has played a pivotal role in building its identity and connecting with customers worldwide.
As Uber continues to expand and innovate, its logo is a reminder of its journey and a symbol of its commitment to progress. The story of Uber’s logo is not just about design; it’s about a brand that has embraced change, proving that even the smallest details can leave a lasting impact on a global scale.