Logo Design Contest

Total Recruiting Resources

by figjam19

Contest received 79 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by traceygl

Congratulations to winner traceygl ! They were awarded the contest prize of $200.00


figjam19 Contest Holder
Hello everyone. Thank you for submitting your designs.In addition to steel blue as a color, lets see some designs with Red & Black as well.
figjam19 Contest Holder
Thanks designers. I have 2 designs that are ok...but nothing is knocking my socks off. I want to see some out of the box designs with edge...Something with the WOW factor. Would love for my clients to say Wow thats a cool logo
figjam19 Contest Holder
Designers...I appreciate all of your talents but I am getting the same designs from everyone and I apologize because you are following the specs of the contest. I'm finding that the TRR & TR2 designs are boring to me. Lets keep in mind a recruiting firm matches people with companies. I will be recruiting nationally with the goal of eventually recruiting Globally. Keep up the good work everyone and hang in there with me. I am the type of person who will know the design when I see it.
figjam19 Contest Holder
Designers...I HAVE A SLIGHT DESIGN CHANGE REQUEST... I want the logo to have Total Recruiting Resources spelled out, accompanied with a simple, cutting edge logo. Like the colors blue (primary) like the blue in a nice button down dress shirt and orange or yellow. Thank you.
RedLion Creative
a "wow" factor is a completely subjective thing.. something i might love and think is the greatest thing ive ever seen, might be hated by another.. having a bit more input as to style would help.. and also maybe whether you want the icon to include the initials, with full name next to it, or whether it should be completely without initials and be more of a graphic next to name... and whether you prefer flat colors or gradients.. any input?