- Premade Logos
- Logo + Domain Ready to go brands
- Design & Naming Contests
- ENTRY # 172721

All purchased designs come with:
Full ownership rights to the completed design
Free minor alterations to the name/colors of the design to match your company
Editable source files in Adobe illustrator format
Print and web ready files(.JPG, .PNG, .PDF, .TIFF, .SVG)
Includes Hatchwise Buyer Protection
Comments for entry # 172721
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Fast. Awesome. Affordable
About the Creative
jimdes@yahoo.com Bio
I'm Jim
I'm from Kennebunk, Maine, U.S.A.
I grew up and live in small town America. I've been a designer for over 25 years. My formal education is in technical graphics and design (think assembly manual) but I didn't like drawing parts of machinery, I wanted to use my creativity and draw things with flair, excitement and passion . . . logos and signage let me do just that!
I know what it's like to put your name on a business or product and how it feels when you hang that shingle for the world to see it for the first time, the nerves, the excitement, the feeling of accomplishment.
I love working on brand identities and logos for small businesses and emerging products. You've worked hard putting your heart and soul into your product or company and now you want a logo that properly identifies your brand.
Let's work together and let me turn your ideas and passion into a logo you can be proud to have your name on!
I work with integrity and honesty as my guide. If I don't believe I can deliver a quality product or understand your goal, I won't work on your project. Likewise, If I don't believe in your product, company or idea, I won't work on your project. Thanks for understanding.
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