Logo Design Contest

Apple Core Project

by Applecoreprojectcolorado

Applecoreprojectcolorado is looking for a new Logo Design, and they're offering $175.00 for the best entry.


john12343 Creative
Hello Contest Holder. I submitted two entries (#1253268 by MatthewV and #1253435 by MatthewV) but they aren't showing up in the above contest area on my screen. They only show up if I click "Only show my entries." Are you able to see my two entries? I have also sent the Hatchwise Admin a message asking if there is some problem with their system. Best regards, Matthew
john12343 Creative
Dear Apple Core Project, I don't know why but my entries are not showing up in the main contest area above ( #1253268 by MatthewV; #1253435 by MatthewV; #1254320 by MatthewV; and #1254321 by MatthewV) even though I have submitted two images, twice, with no joy. So, please see the following link to see my entry: http://s32.postimg.org/phvr08olh/applecore_v1.jpg And see the following link to see a sample of that entry burned into an apple crate as discussed in your design brief: http://s32.postimg.org/tzcyontz9/applecore_v1_SAMPLE.jpg