Web Design Contest


by Oscarax

Contest received 19 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by jnjnnino

Congratulations to winner jnjnnino ! They were awarded the contest prize of $200.00


jnjnnino Creative
ill submit my entry in the next 24-48 hours..btw could you possible name what contents you would like to see on homepage? regards, Jr
Dan Creative
Hi CH, The prize is too low for this amount of work, can you increase the prize? if so I will give it a try. Best Regards, Dan
janedoe Creative
Hi, do you want then just the homepage with the page titles being the main navigation?
jnjnnino Creative
hi CH, can we just design the homepage and one inner page mockup for this contest?? regards, jr
nerdcreatives Creative
Hello PH The prize is not right for this workquantum. If you can increase the prize upto $400 for the workquantum of 6 pages we can work on it. Thanks
layoutph Creative
hello mr. contest holder, Will you please sealed this contest or make it blind so there will be no copying of designs.
jnjnnino Creative
@layoutph - i don't think HW has a functionality of such right now..designers have been requesting for that capability long ago, i don't think it is already implemented.. i think its really up to the CH, to judge or select even if the design/concept is clearly a copycat