Tagline Contest

CVC Ecological Landscaping Programs

by Credit Valley Conservation

Contest received 86 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

congratulations to contest winner: TJRoberts

Name of Contest

CVC Ecological Landscaping Programs

Describe your company and organization and target audience

Credit Valley Conservation is an environmental organization that protects, restores and manages the natural resources of the Credit River Watershed. Established by the provincial government in 1954, CVC is one of 36 Conservation Authorities in Ontari

What do you need written

As the primary scientific authority for the watershed, CVC works to deliver locally-based environmental programs. These programs support: Water resources, Land management and acquisition, Environmental advisory services (Planning), Conservation area management, Stewardship, Education, Natural heritage. The tagline will be a "call to action" that supports 2 ecological landscaping programs: Your Green Yard and Greening Corporate Grounds. The programs are delivered mainly in an urban landscape and relies on the participation of home and business owners and provides support for the design and installation of ecological landscaping or habitat protection projects on their grounds. The programs encourage the use of native plants (plants that have their genetic origin in the region)which require less maintenance and provide food and shelter for native birds, animals and insects. Stormwater management is a nice-if-you-can-include-it element as we will ramp up the promotion of rain gardens, low impact development technologies and green infrastructure. The tone of the call to action should be motivational and work with the names of both programs, but stand alone if necessary. Please see: http://www.creditvalleyca.ca/your-land-water/green-cities/grow-your-green-yard/ and http://www.creditvalleyca.ca/your-land-water/green-cities/greening-corporate-grounds/ and http://www.creditvalleyca.ca/your-land-water/green-cities/ecological-landscaping-restoration-resources/ and http://www.creditvalleyca.ca/low-impact-development/

What is important

The call to action should be suitable for corporate and residential use. One example we thought of was "Grow Wild For Your City" but felt that "wild" could be interpreted as a messy garden. A play on words is ok, but not ideal for multicultural use.

What do you not want

The words green, sustainable or root.

Briefly describe your contest

Tagline:Ecological Landscaping Programs