T-Shirt Design Contest

Wholesale Screen Printing

by clredman

Contest received 62 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by anticonnex

Congratulations to winner anticonnex ! They were awarded the contest prize of $200.00


arttees2011 Creative
goodday ch what do you mean by any university? are you buying all shirts with different university or we compete on 1 university shrit designgin
clredman Contest Holder
We sell shirts to hundreds of universities around the United States. So, we are looking for a collegiate design that can be used as a sample look for universities around the US to buy from us. The layout will then be edited for their specific university. So, you can use any real or fake university name or logo to build your look around. Just be sure it is not so specific to one layout it cannot be used for many.
risna007 Creative
Yes... I will make again several design appropriate that you the suggestion would...