Tu Identidad
by puertagrandeContest received 33 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.
Company or website name
Tu Identidad
Describe your company and organization and target audience
We founded a start up company to create an App that verifies the identity of a person to prevent or eliminate identity theft. Originally, the solution was created to help the financial institutions to comply with the regulation in a much friendlier manner. Nonetheless we have found several other niches where it can be used. Right now our app is a reality. The target audience in this case is our group of shareholders, employees and other supporters who made this dream come true. Our first customer is Rappi a delivering stuff co similar to Uber eats.
The design should have the following
The design should be a very easy one since we just want to celebrate our first business mandate. This is such a big milestone for us and we want to distribute T-Shirts to celebrate this achievement. Therefore, I would like the T-Shirt to have the logo of my company and our customer's. The T-shirt should be joyful, happy, funny, etc. Something to really commemorate the success.
Briefly describe your contest
We want all of you to help me encouraging our employees. We have put a lot of hours behind this success. We have been intensely working sinde July l