Product Naming Contest

Vitamin D Promoting Sunscreen

by Exposure Scientific, LLC

Contest received 253 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

congratulations to contest winner: robin

Congratulations to winner robin ! They were awarded the contest prize of $150.00


Exposure Scientific, LLC Contest Holder
Thank you all for all of your thoughtful contributions. After a lot of thought that involved possible trademark infringement, what is permitted by the FDA for advertising, what sounds good, what looks good and what URLs were available; we have selected a winner. The winning entry was: “Dzyre”, which we probably will change to “D-Zyr”, but it certainly provided the inspiration. Thank you again for your help. Ernie
Exposure Scientific, LLC Contest Holder
Still selecting winner, we are closer. Thanks Ernie
Exposure Scientific, LLC Contest Holder
Hi Contestants! So many great and thoughtful entries. Thanks. We have not picked the winning name yet, we are working, doing Internet searches and talking to our trademark attorney about protecting the name and not infringing on other company's marks. Please be a little patient, a winner will be selected soon. All my best, Ernie
plasticity Creative
Maybe its time to rank so we know is our ideas good or totally worong direction
Exposure Scientific, LLC Contest Holder
Wow! So many great and thought provoking entries. Please think about something with the look and feel of a product name. It should role off the tongue. It should look good visually on a label. There are two main ideas I would like: Promotes or permits the skin (or body) to produce vitamin D and Protects against harmful wavelengths (or rays) of light. The contest still has more than four days to go and there is no clear winner yet, so go get’em! Ernie