Marketing Writing Project Contest

Spend 5 days with a pet nutritionist who will teach you how to care for your pet naturally.

by Darleen

Contest received 17 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

congratulations to contest winner: finnko

Name of Contest

Spend 5 days with a pet nutritionist who will teach you how to care for your pet naturally.

Describe your company and organization and target audience

I am the owner of I am a Pet Nutritionist and specialize in treating dogs and cat naturally using supplements, diet and life style changes. I want to begin a new program where I travel the US teaching people how to care for their pe

What do you need written

I already have the plan laid out. I just need it written to sound more professional. Below is the first part. 5 Days with a Pet Nutritionist Spend 5 days with a Pet Nutritionist who will teach you how to care for your pet naturally. Outline of Weekly Schedule: Monday: Arrive at your home and become acquainted with you and your pet. We will then begin to fill out an extensive evaluation form which will include information regarding your pet’s health problems and looking at all areas of diet, supplementing and life style. The evaluation is about 7 pages long and will take a few hours to complete. We will look at the practices you are currently doing with your pet – how you feed, when you feed and taking a look at all areas the pet has access to. Later that day I will type out a 7-20 page plan and return to discuss it Tuesday morning. Reading materials will be provided to prepare for the week. Tuesday: Go over the plan in detail which will take 1-2 hours. Once you understand the plan and your questions are answered, we will begin to initiate all the changes and begin supplementation. Discuss in detail the life style changes that need to be made. Go over reading materials. Wednesday Shop for ingredients to prepare meals and for any dry or canned food recommended. Instruction on how to read labels on dry and canned food. Instruction on how to read labels and preparing some homemade treats for your pet. Prepare meals for your pet and discuss different proteins and carbohydrates you can use to prepare home meals. Continue the supplementation process. Discuss reading materials. Thursday Go over yard treatment and look for products in your area that are safe and natural. Go over tick, flea control and heartworm control. Research and find safe cleaning products for your home in your area. Go through the feeding and supplementing routine. Prepare meals for the coming weeks. Friday Answer any final questions. Continue the supplementation process.

What is important

The title is very important. Bullet points of everything included. Here are some, I could not fix them all. Full evaluation Full Consultation which can take up to 2 hours. Research on products you currently use Review of your current feeding pract

What do you not want

I don't want a flowery description. I want it to sound professional.

Briefly describe your contest

Spend 5 days with a pet nutritionist