Logo Design Contest

Mongo LLP

by Mongo

Contest received 128 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by Designature

Company or website name

Mongo LLP

Slogan or Tagline

Currently we have a tagline as "Who will you meet today?" but yes we are open to new slogans and tagline for our logo.

Describe your company and organization and target audience

Mongo is a location-based networking, location-based services, and location-based advertising platform. Use Mongo to meet people on the go. With Mongo’s location-based search and matching capability, you can: + Find colleagues and ex-colleagues. + Find school and college mates. + Find people attending an event or a conference. + Find service providers (or seekers) near you – plumber, babysitter, tutor, guide, accountant, masseuse, etc. + Buy, sell, or exchange goods with people near you – tickets, phones, computers, etc. + Find jobs (or look for candidates) near you. + Find people from your hometown or country, or people who speak your language (while traveling abroad, for example). + Find people who share your lifestyle choices - swingers, tattoo-lovers, naturists, and so on. + Find & interact with fans of your favourite sports teams, film stars and other celebrities. + Find activity partners – someone to play a game of tennis with, someone to carpool with, etc. + Find new people near you (someone to talk to, or someone to romance) based upon your selected preferences. + Create your own Mongo Codes and share them with others so that you can find each other on the go. Mongo is a network of networks. Each Mongo Code is a self-contained sub-network representing an attribute of your life - your work, your interests, your needs, etc. Mongo brings together all aspects of your social life on one platform without mixing them up. You can interact with your work colleagues, family members, schoolmates, friends & so on; AND you can establish new or one-off contacts as needed (with a service provider, for example). You can set up a new (public or private) network by simply creating a new Mongo Code. Mongo enables one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many networking at each Mongo Code level. Mongo is thus a complete location-based networking platform, designed for corporate as well as personal/ private use. Mongo is safe and secure, ensuring that your identity, data and location details are fully protected. You decide what you want to share, and with whom.

The design should have the following

The logo design contest is being run for the Mongo iPhone and Android location based application. You can download and refer the Mongo - Meet on the go application currently available on the iPhone and Android store to come up with logo design options.

This logo will be used for

  • Online (Website, facebook etc.)
  • Print (business cards, letterheads, brochures etc.)
  • Merchandise (mugs, t-shirts etc.)
  • Signs (including shops, billboards etc.)
  • Television/screen

This design should not have this in the entries

Incomplete Logo Design. Missing source files. Missing following design files .jpeg, .gif, .png, .psd, .eps

What style of logo would you like?

Colors to use in the design

Black Red and can also use other colours

Briefly describe your contest

Icon for our mobile App & its promot