Logo Design Contest


by eldad5005

Contest received 147 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by beesoul

Congratulations to winner beesoul ! They were awarded the contest prize of $130.00


eldad5005 Contest Holder
We forgot to mation, those are our guidelines: Please create the logo with bold and thick fonts, we'd like to get the shiny, mirrored, glossy look. You can try the following variations: Runnerboys; RunnerBoys, RUNNERBOYS. regarding the colors, we currently use: Green, White and Black, fill free to surprise us with differnet color schemes, we want a dominated color scheme. you are the pros so go get it. Thanks
eldad5005 Contest Holder
GUys, thank you all for the hard, work, here is a link of a logo that has the idea of what we are looking for, try using this one to get a better idea of what we are looking for (fast services, computer related icon). Thanks you all for your heard work.
logoguru Creative
you forgot the link :)
eldad5005 Contest Holder
Stupid me, sorry, I was sure I added the URL. Well here it is: http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/8168/runnerlogostyle.jpg
eldad5005 Contest Holder
another idea instead of the screen might be an icon like the ones here, where it is all flashy and nice (please change colors to fit logo)and you can use a screen, laptop, computer inside the shield or circle: http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/7889/37248581.jpg Or something that looks and feels like the following: http://yfrog.com/ei90210547j or: http://img185.imageshack.us/content.php?page=done&l=img185/4390/123tz.jpg&via=mupload or: http://yfrog.com/6e62062050j I hope you go the idea.
eldad5005 Contest Holder
here is exactly the style I am looking for, but the shape should be a shield (with a laptop, screen, or Desktop + Screen), colors can be any, red might look more attractive: http://yfrog.com/j711465200j
eldad5005 Contest Holder
First I would like to thank all of you for being a part of this contest. For now I see this design Entry #87510 as the winning one, but I'll wait 2 more days (Till Tuesaday) to see some more ideas. Since lots of you guys were working very hard and did a great job I wish I had enough money to pay most of you here especially the GURU that did some great work, your work is appreciated and I will definitely come back again for banners, ads etc.. designs. Thanks again
logoguru Creative
When a contest holder requests many different revisions and changes their mind a lot and posts pics of images they like and stuff it makes the contest pretty hard almost like a big crap shoot :) Gives all the designers a license to copy so the winning designer is usually someone who didn't have anything close to what the CH wanted but copied the highest scored ones but did it better. Hard to compete with them :( Glad you got what you want though man it was a fun contest regardless!
ramroum Creative
come on beesoul it is not fair to use my ideas and techniques thats called copying you have to be more creative and use your own ideas .
beesoul Creative
i just to following the CH.
xiquiel Creative
we'll you cant blame him guys. there are designers who are really good. but then again, there are designers that are great... at copying the work of the good designers.
ongyudicandra Creative
Yup, he copied my slogan to........... shameless
eldad5005 Contest Holder
Hi, I jsut wanted to thank all of you guys for the hard work that you've done, I wanted to explain all that happend in the last few days. I had in my mind 3 favorites that I was communicating with them frequently (5-7 times a day for the last week). The main reason I wanted to get into this cotenst was that I wanted to get as many creaetive ideas as I could, nad I knew I'll get it by seeing more then one createive mind. and I really did see many creative and unique ideas. Me as a business owner want the best for my business, I knew that to be able to get the best logo, I'll have to use differnet idea, and shape it the way I think is best for me. I think this is the idea of this website and I am happy with the results. Thank you all for submiting your ideas, and I know I'll work with some of you again, as this si just the start. Eldad
harbor Creative
Well...just what is it that you are trying to say ? Yo no comprendo.
eldad5005 Contest Holder
Just wanted to say Thank you all, and sorry for all the confusion I caused. Wish you all good luck. Si no comrendes ahora, voy a decir en espanol. Gracias