by gfcornejoContest received 394 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.
Company or website name
Slogan or Tagline
Motorcycle Rentals Made Easy
Describe your company and organization and target audience
Riders Share is the "Airbnb of motorcycles". We connect unused motorcycles with vetted riders that want to rent them. We provide insurance, roadside assistance, and in general add trust to make the transactions possible.
Our goal to make riding motorcycles more affordable, inclusive, safe and fun.
The motorcycles must be street legal and can't be used off road, nor for stunts. Our target audience is experienced motorcycle riders, which are mostly male. The top performing brands are Harley Davidson, BMW and Ducati, when listed on our website for rent.
The design should have the following
Our website uses Lato, so the font choice must work with Lato or be Lato. The colors on the website are blue, black, white and gray. Please make sure the logo matches the aesthetic of the website, conveying elegance, power, trust...a modern brand that both millennials and baby boomers can relate to. Our audience is 90% male and they many of them ride to feel 'badass'.
This logo will be used for
- Online (Website, facebook etc.)
- Print (business cards, letterheads, brochures etc.)
- Merchandise (mugs, t-shirts etc.)
- Signs (including shops, billboards etc.)
This design should not have this in the entries
We received feedback that our current logo is too feminine.
Colors to use in the design
blue = #1678c2 (primary color)
black, white
dark blue = #2273af (page backgrounds)
dark gray = #1b1c1d (element backgrounds)
light gray = #363636 ( element backgrounds, text inputs)
Briefly describe your contest
Riders Share: Airbnb of motorcycles needs new icon