Logo Design Contest

Williams Lab

by mwilli323

Contest received 45 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by arvinatic

Company or website name

Williams Lab

Slogan or Tagline

Dedicated to Improving Treatments for Breast Cancer Liver Metastasis

The design should have the following

I need a logo for my research laboratory. My work focuses on breast cancer liver metastasis (when breast tumors spread from the breast to the liver). In particular, I study how how breast tumor cells once getting to the liver impact normal cells in this new organ. I am interested in the logo containing a depiction of the interaction between breast tumor cells and normal liver cells like kupffer cells/liver macrophages, hepatocytes/liver cells, and hepatic stellate cells:

resources for the cell types here -

Figure 9 here; https://www.aasld.org/liver-fellow-network/core-series/pathology-pearls/normal-liver-histology-101


top photo here: https://www.mdanderson.org/cancerwise/what-is-the-tumor-microenvironment-3-things-to-know.h00-159460056.html

I'm also interested in a logo that includes the title of my lab: Williams Lab and additionally captures some aspect of the goal of the lab which is to improve treatments for breast cancer liver metastasis by understanding this interaction between tumor cells and cells in the liver.

Examples of a logo that I really like:


This logo will be used for

  • Online (Website, facebook etc.)
  • Print (business cards, letterheads, brochures etc.)

What style of logo would you like?

Colors to use in the design

Prefer light/pastel colors but am open to others.

Types of files I need for this design

  • .PDF
  • .PNG
  • .JPG

Briefly describe your contest

Logo that will be used on all announcements, presentations and updates from my new research laboratory.