Logo Design Contest

St. Elizabeth's Essentials Pantry

by StEsPortland

Contest received 173 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by nak wan

Company or website name

St. Elizabeth's Essentials Pantry

Describe your company and organization and target audience

We operate a non-food Essentials Pantry which serves an average of 150 neighbors in need every Tuesday morning in an urban setting. About 85% of those we serve came from Africa, the Middle East, Central and South America, ie. multicultural, diverse. The products we distribute are not covered by food stamps (SNAP) such as toilet paper, bars of soap, personal care products including infant diapers, bedding, kitchen items, and dental products. Everyone is greeted with a smile and warm welcome. We strive to be hopeful, supportive and respectful of everyone. Lifting people up is important to us. We support people as they transition to life in the US. The Pantry is sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of Maine but all are welcome and respected. Over 40 volunteers help out regularly.

The design should have the following

Include "St. Elizabeth's Essentials Pantry". Be classy - not modern or trendy. Looks good in one color, in 3 or fewer colors and in black and white.

This logo will be used for

  • Online (Website, facebook etc.)
  • Print (business cards, letterheads, brochures etc.)
  • Signs (including shops, billboards etc.)

This design should not have this in the entries

No cross, church or religious connotation. We welcome everyone.

What style of logo would you like?

Colors to use in the design

Warm colors

Briefly describe your contest

The contest if for a logo to be used by a non-profit that distributes personal items to a multicultural / diverse community.