Logo Design Contest

Ryan Greer Trucking LLC

by RyanGreer

Contest received 144 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by Erlando

Company or website name

Ryan Greer Trucking LLC

Slogan or Tagline

I might wanna do.... G0T JAKES... haven't decided fully on it

Describe your company and organization and target audience

I just opened up a dump truck buisness.   It's called Ryan Greer Trucking LLC.   I'm looking for awesome logo. To catch some attention.    I'm either wanting something pretty modern or complete opposite and go  vintage style. Cant wait to  see what you all design 

The design should have the following

 I would be fine with  Ryan Greer Trucking LLc.  Or an abbreviation to RGT or RG Trucking..... I like the way some logos look chrome.    And I would really like it to have some diesel stacks coming off the logo somehow if it can be done and still look goood. Or the two LL in LLc maybe the diesel stacks.   I like  vintage style logos as well .I will add some pictures for reference. 

This logo will be used for

  • Print (business cards, letterheads, brochures etc.)
  • Merchandise (mugs, t-shirts etc.)
  • Signs (including shops, billboards etc.)

This design should not have this in the entries

I like diesel stacks idea  But do not like whole pictures of semis or big rigs on the logo 

What style of logo would you like?

Colors to use in the design

Any color except green.    I do kinda like black grey chromes.  Oranges yellow reds. open to anything but green. My brother has a buisness that uses green 

Briefly describe your contest

I know that alot if images just trynna give you guys an idea of what I'm looking for. I can go from modern to vintage so I'm excited and cant wait to see what you guys create any questions just ask. hope all this helped and insnt to vague. cant wait to see your designs