Logo Design Contest

omni medical

by dsbays

Contest received 131 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by andywillbrad

Congratulations to winner andywillbrad ! They were awarded the contest prize of $100.00


andywillbrad Creative
Mate, its set out differently, colored differently, does NOT say briton next to it, hardly identical is it!! And thats what the CH wants, so wgo am i to argue ??
funkey73 Creative
Nice reply !!
ayasmonsterzapi Creative
Okey, Then! Peace
AIMdesigns Creative
Good shout andywillbrad.
dsbays Contest Holder
Hey everyone....I just wanted to send a quck messeage to thank everyone for their hard work and creativity. We still have a couple of more days left bust as of now, Better, Dr Snoopy, Andywillbrad and Morango are the finalist. You guys are all awesome but these finalists have come the closest to fullfilling our needs. Look for a winner announcement soon and for their work to be featured on www.ominimedicalusa.com. This is such a great site with incredible talent.
Morango Creative
Congratulations andywillbrad ! Really nice design, loved it too! :-) Good Work!
andywillbrad Creative
Thanks Morango, thats cool from someone like you! respect man.
Dr_Snoopy Creative
Congrats andy, nice job. Can't wait to see how it would look on the site
andywillbrad Creative
Cheers Dr.