Logo Design Contest

Long-Term Maternal and Child Outcomes During COVID-19

by sbsridhar

Contest received 706 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by andsue

Company or website name

Long-Term Maternal and Child Outcomes During COVID-19

Slogan or Tagline


Describe your company and organization and target audience

This logo is for a research study at Kaiser Permanente. The purpose of the study is to examine the impacts of COVID-19 during pregnancy on long-term outcomes. Our target audience is pregnant patients who are eligible for this study. The target audience will be moms of 3-year-old children in a diverse racial and ethnic population.

The design should have the following

- The study name (LOTUS) should be formatted as the following: Long-Term Maternal and Child Outcomes During COVID-19. The bolded letters should be in alternate color to emphasize that this is what the acronym, LOTUS, stands for.

- One suggestion we had for the design would have an abstract image of mother and child (no babies/infants) integrated into the logo. It does not have to be a literal or realistic image. Please emphasize lotus imagery rather than the mother and child.

- We would like to know what the logo would look with the imagine of logo itself without the study acronym, and the logo WITH the acronym spelled out on the right side of the image.

- We have also attached three sample logos to reference for what we are generally looking for this logo.

- Logo has to be clear and readable even at a smaller size. We plan on using this logo on envelopes, so it would be great if the logo is visually clear at all sizes.

This logo will be used for

  • Online (Website, facebook etc.)
  • Print (business cards, letterheads, brochures etc.)

What style of logo would you like?

Colors to use in the design

We are open to any color palette, but we would like something that represents a mother and child. Something nurturing! Please try to limit the colors to three to four colors--we prefer the logo to be simple and not overwhelming to the eye.