Groundwater Functions
by GroundwaterfunctionsContest received 158 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.
Company or website name
Groundwater Functions
Describe your company and organization and target audience
We need a logo design for our consulting firm based in Australia but supplying specialist environmental advice throughout Asia-Pacific. We specialise in groundwater, that's the water table and below: water supply wells for villages and business, environmental impacts of development on underground water, controlling water inflows to mines and developments, computer modelling of groundwater etc, etc. Clients include the UN, general consulting engineering firms, mining companies, farmers, developers, lobby organisations
The design should have the following
I imagine a design based on the standard symbol for the water table (see symbol in attached image), but made more interesting (if possible) and with the company title incorporated in it. Needs a clear background. If possible incorporating our previous logo within it. I've sketched up an idea that I'd like developed further (attached) as well as the previous trading logo (attached logo of antelope)
This logo will be used for
- Online (Website, facebook etc.)
- Print (business cards, letterheads, brochures etc.)
- Merchandise (mugs, t-shirts etc.)
Colors to use in the design
It can be blue or black or blue and black. Other colours are not likely to be suitable.
Briefly describe your contest
International consulting start-up needs a logo.