Logo Design Contest

Caring Connections Pediatric Therapy PLLC

by mevansccpt

Contest received 30 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by Mza

Company or website name

Caring Connections Pediatric Therapy PLLC

Describe your company and organization and target audience

I am starting a pediatric speech therapy private practice. 

The design should have the following

I'd like to have a minimalist design incorporating a therapist and child, a heart, and CC (for Caring Connections) if possible. 

This logo will be used for

  • Online (Website, facebook etc.)
  • Print (business cards, letterheads, brochures etc.)
  • Merchandise (mugs, t-shirts etc.)
  • Signs (including shops, billboards etc.)

What style of logo would you like?

Colors to use in the design

I'm open to different color schemes. It just needs to be something geared toward families with children, so colorful and cheerful but not too bright. 

Types of files I need for this design

  • .PNG
  • .JPG

Briefly describe your contest

Searching for a playful, creative logo design for a pediatric therapy private practice that incorporates the company initials with a design.