Logo Design Contest


by Kan-Tor

Contest received 60 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by quiksilva

Company or website name


Slogan or Tagline

Not the price, the year

Describe your company and organization and target audience

Sophisticated cool. This is the fun side of sci-fi, but not childish or silly. Think Hitchiker's Guide to the Universe meets Star Trek. Or, perhaps Amazing Stories, the pulp mag from the 50's.

The design should have the following

This is both the name of the project and the album. The spelling is unique and meant to provoke a second look.I think the spelling is the icon. But a retro rocket or a 50's ray-gun, hmmm...

This design should not have this in the entries

Comicon geeks and freaks and the more cultured over 30 Monty Python crowd.

Colors to use in the design


Briefly describe your contest

This one's for 383 years from now...