Logo Design Contest

The Mortgage DoctorsTM

by mtgdoc1

Company or website name

The Mortgage DoctorsTM

Slogan or Tagline

No information provided.

Describe your company and organization and target audience

We provide mortgage advice. Previously we hosted a syndicated program via radio and we are working on re-launching. In the near term our advise will be dispensed in person, via our website (blog) and a monthly newsletter. Target audience is US homeowners and home buyers.

The design should have the following

We have a prior logo that we would like to update. The logo is a take on the medical logo incorporating a dollar sign and a house, thus "the mortgage doctors". Bringing the logo into modern day is important and we feel that perhaps a bit of rotation would also work so that the logo is not seen "front on" We are not selecting a logo type as we would like you to work with the existing logo to modify. If you are adventurous and feel you can communicate our goals via a complete departure, feel free to step out of the box... we are not married to the existing logo concept.

This logo will be used for

  • Online (Website, facebook etc.)
  • Print (business cards, letterheads, brochures etc.)
  • Merchandise (mugs, t-shirts etc.)
  • Signs (including shops, billboards etc.)
  • Television/screen

This design should not have this in the entries

No information provided.

Colors to use in the design

most likely green, gold, black, but open

Briefly describe your contest

Modernize our Logo! - The Mortgage Docto