Pilates Melrose
by Amanda_HansonContest received 218 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.
Company or website name
Pilates Melrose
Slogan or Tagline
Move Better. Live Better.
Describe your company and organization and target audience
I'm a Pilates solo studio owner, in a town called Melrose. Melrose is a medium affluent suburb of Boston MA. People here have the income to afford luxury goods, but aren't ultra rich. They want value for their money. They have a city sensibility, many of them work in Boston. But, also enjoy the slower pace of community life in a suburb. There's a very active athletic population here - hiking, cycling, running, tennis, lots of dogs, etc. Melrose is bordered by a very large parkland, and most people take advantage of it regularly. There's a lot of yoga in Melrose, but, so far I will be the first and ONLY Pilates studio. So, I want to play up the specialness of that. My target audience is men and women, 35 and above, who are recovering from an injury, or looking to reverse the negative effects of too much sitting, so they can be active with their families and pets, and in sports and hiking.
The design should have the following
I'd like the logo to have elements of roses (a Melrose thing), but also elements of a spine/vertebra, because Pilates is all about spinal alignment. I can kind of imagine a classic tattoo vibe, due to the roses? I want it to be a little edgy, to set me apart from other suburban exercise outlets. However, I bring 15 years of experience to this new business, so, I want some gravity there, as well. I will be the first and ONLY Pilates studio, I want to play up the specialness of that.
This logo will be used for
- Online (Website, facebook etc.)
- Print (business cards, letterheads, brochures etc.)
- Merchandise (mugs, t-shirts etc.)
Colors to use in the design
My studio space is a very light pink inside. So, it would be nice if there's light pink incorporated into the design somewhere.
The machines I teach on are mostly a gray leather, but also light wood and silver and black metal.
Briefly describe your contest
After 15 years in the fitness industry, Amanda is starting her own boutique Pilates studio in an affluent suburb of a major city. Amanda - and her tar