Logo Design Contest

Peacock Organics, LLC

by peacockorganics

Contest received 55 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by kreativitee

Company or website name

Peacock Organics, LLC

Slogan or Tagline

A Natural Children\\\'s Boutique

Describe your company and organization and target audience

Think natural, organic, children, kids, babies, peacocks...

The design should have the following

I love BIG LIMBO font. Squeeze in a small LLC somewhere on the sign. Visit my web site to get a feel for the products I have. Please include \' A Natural Children\'s Boutique and the web site: peacockorganics.com in the logo(if possible).

This design should not have this in the entries

The parent who is looking to go the extra mile. The parent who wants to help their children grow up as naturally as possible.

Colors to use in the design

www.peacockorganics.com - the oval shaped \\\"peacock organics\\\" toward the top of the web home page. I dont love it. I didn\\\'t choose it, someone else did :P

Briefly describe your contest

Logo needed for Peacock Organics!