Logo Design Contest


by oreninc

Contest received 131 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by magpie

Congratulations to winner magpie ! They were awarded the contest prize of $300.00


oreninc Contest Holder
Multi color would be nice, we are going to be doing mostly web so ink is free.
oreninc Contest Holder
The other theme is that we are independent research. The curve is how we stay impartial, but we are also independent. We are also planning on covering whole sectors, so something that shows a whole vs a shot gun approach might make sense. (just brain storming here)
ayasmonsterzapi Creative
May i know what the meaning of ORENINC?
oreninc Contest Holder
Oreninc has to meanings. One is Ore in Ink, writing about mining companies, the other is Pine tree in Hebrew. We want to play with the pun as we are going to start with mining equities, but we do not wnat a logo that limits us in that way
ayasmonsterzapi Creative
I see. Thanks for description.
oreninc Contest Holder
This is just amazing stuff on the whole and so many good ideas, you all are very impressive.
oreninc Contest Holder
The inverted N on Entry #160904 by: Mayavi is just way cool.
oreninc Contest Holder
Colors we like, black, red, gold, Funky deep purple, orange (not yellowish), blues,
oreninc Contest Holder
We are going to go Google'sh simplicity on the website, so keep in mind, white background.
oreninc Contest Holder
My co worker says I have a Hatchwise addiction. This whole process is just amazing. I love how creative this small group of designers are and how creative the whole process is. In the delivery project above someone said that they had 5-6 logo's that could all work and were all amazing and I feel the same way. What is even more impressive however is how some new stuff just blows away the older stuff and just how dynamic this process is.
ayasmonsterzapi Creative