Logo Design Contest

Natural High

by naturalhigh

Contest received 127 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by Pedrosch

Congratulations to winner Pedrosch ! They were awarded the contest prize of $200.00


ongyudicandra Creative
All entries should be 350x280, at 300 dpi and should be in .jpg or .gif format Only one entry should be submitted at a time, if you want to submit different colors or versions of the same entry, please do it one at a time. No more then one logo per entry, although you can submit as many entries as you wish to each contest. Anyone disregarding these instructions will have their entries taken down and run the risk of having their account terminated. If you have any questions please ask away in the forums.
dumma Creative
Thanx for the info,,had a problam with my uploading, the colors has been changed when optimization, thats why i have put the same design 2 times..sorry for the inconvenience..
cvvarun Creative
Please let me know what you feel about my latest submission.
pulpman_33 Creative
Why is that my entry in this contest is deleted or gone. Am I not following the said policies you implement. If you said one entry per contest how come the has 2 or 3 entries submitted. Why didn't notify me so I can correct it. The other artist has 3 entries and didn't erased their entry in the said contest. Is not fair you know.
cvvarun Creative
Multiple entries are allowed pulpman, only that 2 entries should not be there in a single submission. You submit each variation seperately. Probably, you din't follow the size the specified.
ongyudicandra Creative
All entries should be 350x280, at 300 dpi and should be in .jpg or .gif format Only one entry should be submitted at a time, if you want to submit different colors or versions of the same entry, please do it one at a time. No more then one logo per entry, although you can submit as many entries as you wish to each contest. Anyone disregarding these instructions will have their entries taken down and run the risk of having their account terminated. If you have any questions please ask away in the forums.
naturalhigh Contest Holder
Hello. This is the contest holder. I am sorry for not commenting on designs the last couple of days me and my daughter have been very sick. But i see some wonderful logos...thanks so much for all of the wonderful logos so far
Machineman Creative
Get well soon :) best wishes from Michael.
xpressions Creative
Congrats on the win!
Faisalshah Creative
Hi,congrats on the pedrosch.
Pedrosch Creative
Thank you...