Logo Design Contest


by meermarc

Contest received 78 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by Flaneldez

Congratulations to winner Flaneldez ! They were awarded the contest prize of $100.00


Flaneldez Creative
funkey73, I'm just trying to point out that you need ORIGINALITY in your concept, dude!! You're playing dirty tactics here... Anyway, GOOD LUCK!!
cyrille12 Creative
this is sucks!!!! if i would know that the simpler the design is, i'd rather redesign my entry... this is unfair!
RolandofGilead Creative
The CH is free to choose whatever he like so that is not unfair. However all the contest should be hidden. Also the talking to CH so nothing was open here too.
meermarc Contest Holder
@cyrille12 For starters: I really like your design, but someoneelse won. Don't be sore about that, it's a contest! All comments are open to see for all contestants, so you could have read and redesigned if you wanted to.
Flaneldez Creative
Cyrille12, Actually creating a simpler design is more complex and difficult to work with. It's not that easy. Simple but powerful.