Logo Design Contest

Lunaria Financial

by lunajaffe

Contest received 54 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by gozzi

Company or website name

Lunaria Financial

Slogan or Tagline

Inspire - Sustain - Invest

Describe your company and organization and target audience

Purple (or shades of purple) with gold and black

The design should have the following

Lunaria: the latin name for the money plant, a perennial. Also called the honesty plant. My first name is Luna... I\'d like to see where you take it from here

This design should not have this in the entries

High net worth women over 50 with philanthropic interests. They are creative, spiritual, earthy women who want someone to management their money so they can do what they were put on this planet to do,.

Colors to use in the design

Again, I love this website: www.curtisfinancialplanning.com. But my theme is about gardening as it relates to growing, tending, and harvesting investments/money.

Briefly describe your contest

Logo for Lunaria Financial