Logo Design Contest

Kilbourne Properties

by kilbourneproperties

Contest received 182 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by kebasen

Company or website name

Kilbourne Properties

Slogan or Tagline

No information provided.

Describe your company and organization and target audience

I'm in CA and mostly service the beach but I don't necessarily need palm trees. I would like to see a row of buildings somehow implemented. Mabye Kilbourne on top of the word Properties. Must have Kilbourne Properties in it.

The design should have the following

I'm open but want to portray, hard working, honest, integrity, classy. I like black, gold, deep red, some white to soften the darker colors.

This design should not have this in the entries

Anyone who owns a property that needs to downsize or buy bigger. Renters who want to stop renting and purchase. Investors who want to own properterties to rent. People thinking about retirement planning.

Colors to use in the design

No information provided.

Briefly describe your contest

"Kilbourne Properties" R.E. Lo