Logo Design Contest

John Patterson, P.A.

by JPAviation

Contest received 117 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by churpo

Company or website name

John Patterson, P.A.

Slogan or Tagline

Personal Injury Law and Aviation Law

Describe your company and organization and target audience

I would like the aviation law implemented along with who you should contact if you have been injured. Experienced.

The design should have the following

This is to be a professional logo for a sign, phone book advertisement, and letterhead. Color is optional for the sign and phone book, but it will be black on the letterhead.

This design should not have this in the entries

Any person or business that has suffered an injury through the fault of another and/or has an aviation legal issue or problem.

Colors to use in the design

I have built a new office building at the airport and have a website and phone book ad with ideas. I tried to upload these at: http://my.imageshack.us/v_images.php

Briefly describe your contest

Personal Injury and Aviation Attorney