Logo Design Contest


by bcozzi

Contest received 118 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by iconicdesign

Congratulations to winner iconicdesign ! They were awarded the contest prize of $100.00


bcozzi Contest Holder
To try and help convey the look and feel I want, I am posting my inspiration board. I want an original logo that would look like it belonged in the company of these other logos: http://invitationlane.com/images/inspiration-board.jpg Thank you!
Machineman Creative
I saw the IA with a 4 score so I thought you might want it like that" I will stay to the basics for you. thank's for your comments and suggestions they really help a lot. :)
bcozzi Contest Holder
Aha...no, I liked the wax seal on that one so I gave it a high score. I though it was a very creative way to tie in the elegant invitation theme. But I don't have the initials as part of my requirement, it just worked well with that idea. I hope there are still some more interesting and exciting ideas out there (feather pen that incorporates a swirl motif maybe?). We'll be making our decision Monday morning, as we're both gone over the weekend when the contest ends. Thank you!
Machineman Creative
Thick or thin swirls? combination? thank's :)
bcozzi Contest Holder
Thanks to everyone for your wonderful entries! We chose the winning design because we liked the embellishments and layout and felt it captured the personality of our business best. It was very hard to decide, and smurfygirl's design was a very close runner up. Again, it was very difficult to choose just one, but iconicdesign's logo was the one picked by most of our focus group that we used today to make a final choice. Thanks again for all of your hard work. Beth Cozzi InvitationAdvice.com and InvitationLane.com
ginalin Creative
congra iconicdesign :)
iconicdesign Creative
Thanks ginalin, you really do nice work :)
LogoMotives Creative
Congrats iconicdesign!