Inner Wisdom Coaching
by spiritedimagesContest received 593 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.
Company or website name
Inner Wisdom Coaching
Slogan or Tagline
Raising the vibration of our planet, one person at a time!
Describe your company and organization and target audience
I am a personal/professional life coach.
My mission is to raise the vibration of our planet, one person at a time. My WHY is Love. I am love. I am here to be love, to give and receive love. To show others what it feels like to be loved and accepted unconditionally – creating a safe space for connection, sharing, growing and healing.
I love helping others. I am here to be of service and help others see and think differently about themselves, their lives, their relationships, and their professions.
My target audience is literally anyone who would like to improve or change any area in their lives - and that are willing to do the work and take a real look at themselves, their thoughts, beliefs, and actions and make the changes necessary to see the results manifest in their lives.
The logo should have a feeling of connection, and oneness, or universal energy -
I am also very into nature, so any elements of mountain, river, water, are things that represent me well. Although I am not sure they lend themselves well to creating a logo...just a thought.
This logo will be used for
- Online (Website, facebook etc.)
- Print (business cards, letterheads, brochures etc.)
- Merchandise (mugs, t-shirts etc.)
Colors to use in the design
My photography website speaks to who I am a bit - - may be a good reference.
My Coaching website - which is incomplete at the moment but has the bones/structure of where I want to go with it - might be a good reference.
I am not super excited about the colors on my coaching website - I am open to changing them. I genuinely like bright colors (like my personality)- blue is my favorite.
Briefly describe your contest
Looking for a logo for my new Life Coaching business