Logo Design Contest

Green Hey Consulting

by rekgreen

Contest received 231 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by logoguy

Congratulations to winner logoguy ! They were awarded the contest prize of $180.00


xpressions Creative
Yes. Select the design you like the most and it can be modified. However, please understand that does not mean to take elements from other designers' concepts. You may need to make arrangements with the owner of the other design if you want to use it in part or in whole. Hope this helps.
yoahja Creative
careful with "ongyudicandra", he has been in the black list of other logos contest website with the same case. he is the real Copycat.
yoahja Creative
languages spoken is Indonesian. just translate it from google translate!!
yoahja Creative
he is always be trouble maker!!!
rekgreen Contest Holder
Hi thanks for all the outstanding entries into this competition. I am overwhelmed by the effort that the designers have put in. A special thanks to maadezine and ongyudicandra who put in multiple entries and made edits for me. I'm sorry that I haven't ended up with one of your designs.
ongyudicandra Creative