Logo Design Contest

ForeSkinz Golf

by ForeskinzGolf

Contest received 69 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by JINKODESIGNS

Company or website name

ForeSkinz Golf

Slogan or Tagline

The Art of Golf

Describe your company and organization and target audience

I was playing around with the idea of having an \"F\" sitting on a \"G\". similar to a Golf Flag and a Golf Green. I am open to all ideas though

The design should have the following

we are leaning towards having the words \"stacked\" i.e. Fore on top of Skinz on top of Golf- doesn\'t have to be that way though. would like some color differential between Fore and Skinz though

This design should not have this in the entries

Golf enthusiasts, men, women,youth.

Colors to use in the design


Briefly describe your contest

Golf Product Logo Needed