Logo Design Contest

Delta Health Strategy Group, LLC

by DeltaHealthStrategy

Contest received 308 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by LeAnn

Company or website name

Delta Health Strategy Group, LLC

Slogan or Tagline


Describe your company and organization and target audience

as stated above, the greek Delta symbol is a triangle, Delta means change and our firm's mission will be to develop data driven strategies that guide healthcare companies to compete in a very dynamic and changing business environment

The design should have the following

Many successful consulting firms have no icon, using just text/fonts (if icon used, very understated e.g. Bain); I have chosen Delta as a name because it is the triangular greek symbol for change; I would like to consider with and without an icon

This design should not have this in the entries

a very professional buyer, health care executive highly (overly) educated MBA's job candidates

Colors to use in the design

I have not specific images, but have mentioned the triangle as possible theme

Briefly describe your contest

Professional health care consulting firm