Logo Design Contest


by paolobenne

Contest received 144 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by superlogo

Congratulations to winner superlogo ! They were awarded the contest prize of $150.00


paolobenne Contest Holder
Designers - Good work so far. I am leaning towards entry #288689 as the top design as of 1/20/11 10:30AM EST. This design is the direction I would like work towards. Focus your energy submitting designs that are in this direction.
paolobenne Contest Holder
***IMPORTANT INFO*** Thank you everyone for all of the submissions. I would like to add two items to the project: 1. I will ask that the winning designer provide a .bmp file and the native design file. 2. If your design has received a vote, or if your are submitting after this comment post, please submit the same design showing the following tagline: "Church Safety and Security Advisors" in a smaller font under the logo.