Logo Design Contest


by ingermcdowell

ingermcdowell is looking for a new Logo Design, and they're offering $200.00 for the best entry.


ingermcdowell Contest Holder
I'd love more entries for the contest. I am looking for originality and fun.
designbuddha Creative
For the record, in this contest, things are not what they seem.
designbuddha Creative
I have been contacted by SCM Designs to sign over my intellectual ideas so he can win this contest. Perhaps he has already won this contest. I believe this is MAKAVELI.
designbuddha Creative
I received an email to ask for permission to use my choice of Collegiate fonts from SCM Designs, a designer who has submitted only 12 logos. It sounds like the CH will pick his logo when he substitute's my fonts for his. And he has already.
SCM Designs Creative
Good grief guys. The sooner you realize the design process is sometimes a cooperative, the better off you'll be. I wrote both designer to tell them I would share the winning ...if she picked it. She was requesting that I use elements of Makaveli Designs and of Designbuddha and I reached out to them both. Makavelli was cooperative, where Designbuddha clearly had issues. So, to calm the buddha, I withdrew.
ingermcdowell Contest Holder
OMG- I am super sorry guys. I know you all work really hard at your designs I just thought since this was sort of a cooperative process I thought I could find what I like in all the logos and design the one that best suits my company. I do apologize for the misunderstanding.
SCM Designs Creative
Not your fault at all. You were simply trying to get a design you like. Sorry this came out in the open when it should have stayed between designers. Best of luck finding a logo for what seems to be a terrific business!
Makaveli Designs Creative
Designbuddha somehow has a hair a crossed his about everything don't worry about him. He's a minor nuisance.
Makaveli Designs Creative
ya and dont worry ingermcdowell most people aren't familiar with this process so don't take any fault you were just doing what you thought was ok.