CMC Accounting Services, LLC
by CherrikaContest received 82 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.
Company or website name
CMC Accounting Services, LLC
Slogan or Tagline
Helping you concentrate on your business instead of your books!!
Describe your company and organization and target audience
I have been kinda going nuts thinking about this logo.. I know that i want the CMC to be in a box or something around the CMC, with the "Accounting Services, LLC" playing off of it. I want my colors to be black and red. Play with the colors however y
The design should have the following
I definitely want CMC to be designed differently than the Accounting Services, LLC. Play with the text (use your discretion).
This design should not have this in the entries
Small business owners: lawyers, small trucking companies, mom & pop, sole proprietors, etc. Anyone just starting a business, in need of some help setting it up and recording taxes. I am not industry specific but i do prefer service companies.
Colors to use in the design
Briefly describe your contest
The best accounting logo WINS!!