Logo Design Contest

Amsterdam's Welvaren

by Andy@meaningfulrelations.com

Contest received 26 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by room168

Congratulations to winner room168 ! They were awarded the contest prize of $123.00


Printdesigner Creative
$5 Logo concept. contact@printdesigner.ca Quality, affordable logos. Creative, unique designs. Recreate any preexisting design. http://www.printdesigner.ca
Andy@meaningfulrelations.com Contest Holder
Gaining inspiration from your initial logos, I saw an element that struck me as powerful. http://www.hatchwise.com/user_upload/2011-06-08%2015:15:16IMG_9773.jpg
Andy@meaningfulrelations.com Contest Holder
I put this short video together to give you a more intimate look at the building. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Dbu8lRmFPo
Andy@meaningfulrelations.com Contest Holder
Complete text for section: What service or product do you provide? This special house is located in the center of Old Amsterdam. Its history has connected the US, the UK and Netherlands from the time of the Revolutionary War. Built in 1830, it was home to the first nursery school in the Netherlands and raised children all the way up until 1970. Today the house is going through a renaissance. It is drawing from its history and evolving into a world-class meeting point for dialogue and individual development/training activities. The house got its name after a vessel from 1780’s that was stolen by the British during the US Revolutionary War 1781, the Amsterdam’s Welvaren. This translates literally into enhancing the well being in Amsterdam. The house, through its rich history, has come to embody self-discovery, compassion and love. Any emotionally triggers that arise from this logo in this direction are warmly welcome.