Logo Design Contest

Action Horizons Inc.

by Action

Contest received 248 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by Pagyn

Congratulations to winner Pagyn ! They were awarded the contest prize of $250.00


myeoffice Creative
Can you please explain little more about what kind of stunts they do so we can portray it better in your logo. Thanks!
Action Contest Holder
Hello all, I know it won't help but we do all types of stunts. It is less about that (because nobody really knows the difference between a rachet and an air ram anyway)... we want this logo to say "we are PRO's" if you look at many of the other stunt company logo's they are all about "flames" and Explosions" and "LOUD fonts and colors"... we want something that says we are the Bank of America amongst the Lehman brothers out there.. Not even sure that makes sense to me... but I am trying! I like many of the submitted ideas and I will now go through and rank each one... perhaps that will be a clue... thanks all... this is kind of exciting for us! Pat
Machineman Creative
Do you do motorcycle stunts?
Pagyn Creative
Hmmmm....... Anyone know why my entry is so fuzzy? Resolution too high on my submission?
Pagyn Creative
Bah..I give up. Gif doesnt work, jpeg doesnt work. Too much detail, doesnt show up in GIF. Contest Holder, I can send you a non fuzzy version if you need.
ghbarratt Creative
@Pagyn I have had better luck by submitting jpegs with a width of 500. I think a jpeg of 500 x 375 pixels will give you the best luck. Hope that helps!
ginalin Creative
Pagyn hello I just want to let you know you can go head and read this part in the forum it will help you a lot in submitting files :) http://elogocontest.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=97
Machineman Creative
Please give some feedback. thank's :)
kallecasa Creative
To jojomarie. Sorry!Im not wanna copy your work.Im finish my work,started upload and then im saw your logo.Sorry again.
Machineman Creative
Can we get any feedback or what?
Action Contest Holder
We are so pleased with the overall quality of the submissions. Just wanted to say thanks and selfishly we are going to wait until the last minute to make our choice. The four of us are on 3 different continents right now and trying very hard to get one voice of feedback to you as quickly as all parties can review the submissions. Thank you again for your professionalism and talent- Action Horizons Management
Hostmedium Creative
#15973 ...... nice!
mahmur Creative
Hostmedium, thanks. Good Luck!
Action Contest Holder
Too all concerned- When we (Action Horizons) decided to go with eLogoContest we saw that most contests garnered 25-50 submissions... we currently have 151! We apologize for the time delay for feedback, but we are starting up a company and are happy to have the problem of so many excellent choices for our company logo. We will get final feedback out today.. thanks to all of you talented people for the excellent choices before us.
Stickie Creative
hey losiu dont u feel a bit uncomfortable about using exactly the same font as in my entry #15988 losiu#16044
Action Contest Holder
To all... Don't really have the time to give everybody feedback at this point.. By time I mean time left before we have to pick one... so we are concentrating on those that we consider close. Any of you can see those comments if that helps. If we rate your submission as a 2 we are saying it doesn't match our vision... but honestly there are maybe 4 or 5 (out of 165)that we don't actually like. But please.. read the earlier comments on some because I feel that some of you have missed that we don't want silhouettes, flames, explosions, red, or futuristic fonts. We do like blues, grays, and blacks. We don't want a solid background in any color. We want something that is bold but expresses a certain strength and reliablity. Again to all of you and to elogocontest.com... this is an amazing value and we will be telling everyone about this site and you designers... Thanks so much for your efforts... (but what do we know?.. we fall off buildings for a living... how bright can we be?)
Losiu Creative
Hi Stickie. Yes, that's the same font. However, you've got nearly 200 entries here and if you limit the number of free fonts to this theme you are very likely to use the same font as someone else. What's more, I don't think that we should argue as we both got '2' for our designs:)
Stickie Creative
arguing it is not.I have only 5 entries in this contest so yours is not an argument.You know- Create a good symbol,than look for the most appropriate font for about an hour or two upload your entry and...damn sb thought -whatta cool font i'll use it too.Whatever... if this happens to you a couple of times you'll also jump off the chair.
Stickie Creative
and... @pagyn betta learn your filetypes and exporting lessons if u wanna have sth to do with graphic design instead of complaining on a contest page
Pagyn Creative
And @ stickie.... I was not complaining about anything. I was looking for suggestions. Some of the people on here have helped me already, if you will READ above. Every other contest site on the net auto formats the size for you. I was merely looking for appropriate sizing. As far as file types, my real job is a network/systems admin, so I know far more about file types than you probably ever hear about. I don't need your 2 cents....TYVM.