Graphic Design Contest

by umfundi

Contest received 14 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by Pixxie

Congratulations to winner Pixxie ! They were awarded the contest prize of $100.00


umfundi Contest Holder
More details .... We will be providing hosting, testing, code Quality control. development team vetting, selection and managment. Help in the conceptual stages. help in technology selection. Everything that a full time CTO would give you.
umfundi Contest Holder
Without a single entry, question or enquiry I'm loath to prepay any money.
mob6 Creative
perhaps you should be more specific in the task. - You want a logo - A website design template - "Some small graphics" (as i read it) all for 100$ - that is not really competitive and most designers will properly not spend much time on this.
umfundi Contest Holder
If you read the brief i am offerring $250
aburke37 Creative
what does the UM stand for in umfundi?
umfundi Contest Holder
um is part of the zulu word. it equates to 'a' as in umZulu (a Zulu person) umfundi (a learned person )