Graphic Design Contest

New Company

by lisahtitan

Contest received 22 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by McRiver

Company or website name

New Company

Links to the website

Describe your company and organization and target audience

We are an agency dealing with Amazon products.

The design should have the following

We need a design that will beat the control design I uploaded BUT is similar still - we do not want to change the design direction, it needs to be the same farmhouse type style. Our creation so far is the bacon new design I also uploaded and it's not good enough. It will go on a bacon grease container and the control design is our main competitor's design that we need to make ours more appealing so we win the sales over them

Types of files I need for this design

  • .PNG
  • .PSD
  • .JPG

Briefly describe your contest

Beat the competitor's design