Graphic Design Contest

Mascot design for service Business

by ilevelpartner

Contest received 58 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by D'creator

Company or website name

Mascot design for service Business

Links to the website

Describe your company and organization and target audience

We are a service business that provides sales services for commission. Example - if you want to get your product on the shelves in Whole Foods, we will pitch the buyer on your behalf. If the buyer likes it you will soon be on shelves in all their stores.

The design should have the following

This mascot will be a scrappy get it done no matter what. He is part navy seal, definately high tech, unique in how he gets things done, provides way better service that companies we compete with, he will show proof of his efforts.
The rest is up to you.

Briefly describe your contest

Become famous in the Natural products industry by creating an eye catching mascot