Graphic Design Contest


by bbbb

Contest received 92 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by Nonoy

Company or website name


The design should have the following

I want a small GIF animation that shows a redbird is looking at you and trying to grab your attention. I uploaded an example at I want a more lovely and cheerful design. The key is to make sure when people look at the animation they will realize "a red bird is looking at me!". You can design the bird any way you want as long as it is red. Try to keep it simple (the example I show is done by starting with frame0, repeating frame 1 and 2 three times and ending with frame0 again. Please refer to the three uploaded images.)

In addition to the GIF, I also need all individual frames delivered as jpg files.

If you have difficulty generating GIF files from individual images, the following website can do it for you for free: (I don't mind if you cannot get rid of the watermark as long as you provide all individual frames).

Briefly describe your contest

I want a small GIF animation of a redbird that shows it is looking at you