Graphic Design Contest

Hot Auctioneering

by kevinr

Contest received 53 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by anticonnex

Congratulations to winner anticonnex ! They were awarded the contest prize of $250.00


mentho0ol Creative
can you tell me one thing pls if someone would see the postcard that you want , the first thing they think is ? tnx . i need to know
brandasaur Creative
hi sir. until what time you'll be on, because i still have two designs that i want you to have feedback on. Thanks.
kevinr Contest Holder
Mostly everyone is using the same script or ad copy. Anyone have any other ideas?
kevinr Contest Holder
mentho0ol: To answer your question. "If someone would see the postcard that you want , the first thing they think is?" Most client want to see and auctioneer raise as much MONEY as possible! Thats it its all about the what every charity needs more of MONEY.
kevinr Contest Holder
One other note I would make is that 80 percent or more of nonprofts are ran by women NOT men and most volunteers are also women NOT men so most likley women will be viewing this card. Keep that in mind.
kevinr Contest Holder
Everyone using this term on there cards need to change it. "If you call me I can give you a lot of free ideas on silent auctions as well...." Many are pasting that from something I wrote. That statement is worked great in an email. however. It should more read "Call me now on the phone and I will give brand new ideas to raise more money and find unique FREE items over the phone FREE no strings attached." or something like that.. using words like "IF" or "I Might be able to help." need to read more in the line like: "I can help." "IF" or "I might" is a poor statement on my part.
kevinr Contest Holder
Come up with your own wording ideas but think about how its written or phrased.
kevinr Contest Holder
15 minutes left! I wish I could by them all. Can I give money fr second runner ups?
kevinr Contest Holder
Can I pay for second place or is that against the rules?
brandasaur Creative
i dont know. but maybe you start up an another contest and ask the 2nd runner up you selected to join to it. then pick him as a winner.
mentho0ol Creative
yes open a new contest :)) and you can pick the winner after he post his design ..its easy