Graphic Design Contest

'Fusion Welded Polymer Molecule(s)'

by danny5319

Contest received 26 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by hs

Congratulations to winner hs ! They were awarded the contest prize of $250.00


danny5319 Contest Holder
I also notice in my example that the main molecule is sharply in focus and the background ones become less in focus the further away they get.
danny5319 Contest Holder
Apologies on the triple post, happened when i refreshed to see entries!
danny5319 Contest Holder
In looking for inspiration I found this protein model: I think the best result will be achieved by showing two of the (kind of pyramid like) molecular structures in the fore, colliding with one another. Maybe the outer 'balls' of these 2 can line up with one another? For contrast between the 2 main structures, one might be blue with grey, and the other grey with blue? Here's an example of the kind of 'flash' I'm referring to originating from behind the contact point between the 2 structures to signify the fusion: The sea of differing length chains etc in the background really adds to the effect. I'm looking for the level of realism in the protein molecule example. Thanks